Bailsco manufactures a variety of cost affective cast aluminum airfoil propellers to meet most industrial applications. Our propellers range in size from 18” up to 96” with many blade quantities and blade types available. Propellers types include both fixed and adjustable pitch. Airfoil designs include standard and reversible flow. Many Bailsco propellers have been in service for over twenty years.
Bailsco’s computer selection program allows for the optimization of propeller selection for a specific design application (CFM, HP, and SP). The program can either search all propellers for the desired performance or the search can be confined to specific diameters and speeds if desired. Generated performance curves include: octave sound data, performance at a desired temperature and elevation as well as standard conditions. The programs allow the selection of the proper “pitch match” of the airfoil design to meet virtually any set of conditions for the maximum cfm at the lowest horsepower.